Cyber Secure
Cyber Secure

Mobile Application Security Testing

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Many mobile applications we have assessed recently across the region, indicate the need for continuous security assessment of mobile applications.


Poorly hardening and securely configured mobile applications by the software developers, often outsourced by organizations, do not even follow the most basic of security guidelines.
Mobile applications are increasing in numbers every day. Today more mobile phones / tablets accesses web applications than PCs. More than 90% of government services in UAE can be transacted through mobile applications. Increase in the use of mobile applications means, application vulnerabilities and thus security incidents that may impact the client device or backend systems that support the mobile application.
Mobile Application vulnerabilities often lead to customer privacy violations and/or data loss. Considering this, it is important to perform a holistic security review as part of your mobile application deployment strategy.
DTS expert team of mobile application security consultants offers a detailed security analysis of your mobile application as part of our Mobile Application Security Assessment service. Our testing methods use both automated testing as well as manual testing using a combination of Mobile Application Security Framework (MobSF), OS simulators and SDK kits. Our “automated tests” detects many of the common vulnerabilities of your mobile application. However, manual testing by our security experts uncovers much more issues than the automated tests especially during a grey-box test.

Our Mobile Application Security methodology is based on the OWASP Mobile Security project and performs tests both client application as well as the server-side testing.

Application Mapping
The initial step in the Mobile application security assessment is the mapping of the application for each type of the Operating System architecture. This will provide a detailed understanding of the application and the data flow, within the application as well as to the server.
Network Attacks
In this stage, the communication channel between the client and the server undergoes the review and attack. Sensitive plain text traffic is retrieved by analyzing
Client-Side Attacks
In this stage, the focus of the testing is to understand the weaknesses on the client side. This includes the analysis of temporary storage, sensitive information and client-side encryption
Server-Side Attacks
The final phase of a mobile application security assessment is to assess the security of the server. In this, the server-side application would be tested to find out how it responds to various malicious requests.

M1. Weak Server-Side Control

Test Name

M1-01Excessive port opened at Firewall
M1-02Default credentials on Application Server
M1-03Exposure of Webservices through WSDL document
M1-04Security Misconfiguration on Webserver
M1-05Input validation on API
M1-06Information Exposure through API response message

M2. Insecure Data Storage

Test Name

M2-01Unrestricted Backup file
M2-02Unencrypted Database files
M2-03Hard-coded credentials
M2-04Insecure Shared Storage
M2-05Insecure Application Data Storage

M3. Insufficient Transport Layer Protection

Test Name

M3-01Insecure Transport Layer Protocols
M3-02SSL/TLS Weak Encryption
M3-03Disable certificate validation
M3-04Self-signed certificate

M4. Unintended Data Leakage

Test Name

M4-01Information Disclosure through Logcat/Apple System Log (ASL)
M4-02Exposing Device Specific Identifiers in Attacker Visible Elements
M4-03Application Backgrounding (Screenshot)
M4-04URL Caching (HTTP Request and Response)
M4-05Keyboard Press Caching
M4-06Copy/Paste Buffer Caching

M5. Poor Authorization and Authentication

Test Name

M5-01Bypassing business logic flaws
M5-02Remember Credentials Functionality (Persistent authentication)
M5-03Client Side Based Authentication Flaws
M5-04Client Side Authorization Breaches
M5-05Insecure version of Android OS Installation Allowed

M6. Broken Cryptography

Test Name

M6-01Cryptographic Based Storage Strength
M6-02Poor key management process
M6-03Use of custom encryption protocols

M7. Client-Side Injection

Test Name

M7-01Insufficient WebView hardening (XSS)
M7-02Content Providers: SQL Injection and Local File Inclusion
M7-03Injection (SQLite Injection, XML Injection)
M7-04Local File Inclusion through NSFileManager or Webviews

M8. Security Decisions Via Untrusted Inputs

Test Name

M8-01Abusing Android Components through IPC intents (“exported” and “intent-filter”)
M8-02Abusing URL schemes

M9. Improper Session Handling

Test Name

M9-01Session invalidation on Backend
M9-02Session Timeout Protection
M9-03Cookie Rotation
M9-04Token Creation

M10. Lack of Binary Protections

Test Name

M10-01Reverse Engineering the Application Code
M10-02Unauthorized Code Modification
M10-03Debug the application behavior through runtime analysis
Mobile applications are increasing in numbers every day. Today more mobile phones / tablets accesses web applications than PCs. More than 90% of government services in UAE can be transacted through mobile applications. Increase in the use of mobile applications means, application vulnerabilities and thus security incidents that may impact the client device or backend systems that support the mobile application.
Mobile Application vulnerabilities often lead to customer privacy violations and/or data loss. Considering this, it is important to perform a holistic security review as part of your mobile application deployment strategy.
DTS expert team of mobile application security consultants offers a detailed security analysis of your mobile application as part of our Mobile Application Security Assessment service. Our testing methods use both automated testing as well as manual testing using a combination of Mobile Application Security Framework (MobSF), OS simulators and SDK kits. Our “automated tests” detects many of the common vulnerabilities of your mobile application. However, manual testing by our security experts uncovers much more issues than the automated tests especially during a grey-box test.

Our Mobile Application Security methodology is based on the OWASP Mobile Security project and performs tests both client application as well as the server-side testing.

Application Mapping
The initial step in the Mobile application security assessment is the mapping of the application for each type of the Operating System architecture. This will provide a detailed understanding of the application and the data flow, within the application as well as to the server.
Network Attacks
In this stage, the communication channel between the client and the server undergoes the review and attack. Sensitive plain text traffic is retrieved by analyzing
Client-Side Attacks
In this stage, the focus of the testing is to understand the weaknesses on the client side. This includes the analysis of temporary storage, sensitive information and client-side encryption
Server-Side Attacks
The final phase of a mobile application security assessment is to assess the security of the server. In this, the server-side application would be tested to find out how it responds to various malicious requests.

M1. Weak Server-Side Control

Test Name

M1-01Excessive port opened at Firewall
M1-02Default credentials on Application Server
M1-03Exposure of Webservices through WSDL document
M1-04Security Misconfiguration on Webserver
M1-05Input validation on API
M1-06Information Exposure through API response message

M2. Insecure Data Storage

Test Name

M2-01Unrestricted Backup file
M2-02Unencrypted Database files
M2-03Hard-coded credentials
M2-04Insecure Shared Storage
M2-05Insecure Application Data Storage

M3. Insufficient Transport Layer Protection

Test Name

M3-01Insecure Transport Layer Protocols
M3-02SSL/TLS Weak Encryption
M3-03Disable certificate validation
M3-04Self-signed certificate

M4. Unintended Data Leakage

Test Name

M4-01Information Disclosure through Logcat/Apple System Log (ASL)
M4-02Exposing Device Specific Identifiers in Attacker Visible Elements
M4-03Application Backgrounding (Screenshot)
M4-04URL Caching (HTTP Request and Response)
M4-05Keyboard Press Caching
M4-06Copy/Paste Buffer Caching

M5. Poor Authorization and Authentication

Test Name

M5-01Bypassing business logic flaws
M5-02Remember Credentials Functionality (Persistent authentication)
M5-03Client Side Based Authentication Flaws
M5-04Client Side Authorization Breaches
M5-05Insecure version of Android OS Installation Allowed

M6. Broken Cryptography

Test Name

M6-01Cryptographic Based Storage Strength
M6-02Poor key management process
M6-03Use of custom encryption protocols

M7. Client-Side Injection

Test Name

M7-01Insufficient WebView hardening (XSS)
M7-02Content Providers: SQL Injection and Local File Inclusion
M7-03Injection (SQLite Injection, XML Injection)
M7-04Local File Inclusion through NSFileManager or Webviews

M8. Security Decisions Via Untrusted Inputs

Test Name

M8-01Abusing Android Components through IPC intents (“exported” and “intent-filter”)
M8-02Abusing URL schemes

M9. Improper Session Handling

Test Name

M9-01Session invalidation on Backend
M9-02Session Timeout Protection
M9-03Cookie Rotation
M9-04Token Creation

M10. Lack of Binary Protections

Test Name

M10-01Reverse Engineering the Application Code
M10-02Unauthorized Code Modification
M10-03Debug the application behavior through runtime analysis