XIoT Cyber Threats You Must Not Ignore

The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized how we interact with the world around us. With the advent of cross-industry collaborations, the next generation of IoT, the XIoT (eXtended IoT), is set to transform our world further. XIoT offers more extensive and interconnected networks allowing unprecedented control, automation, and optimization of various systems.

However, the increasing number of reported vulnerabilities in XIoT devices is a cause for concern. Malicious actors leverage the lax cybersecurity measures in XIoT systems to establish lethal infiltrations. Let’s explore some of the creative ways in which these actors operate.

The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized how we interact with the world around us. With the advent of cross-industry collaborations, the next generation of IoT, the XIoT (eXtended IoT), is set to transform our world further. XIoT offers more extensive and interconnected networks allowing unprecedented control, automation, and optimization of various systems.

However, the increasing number of reported vulnerabilities in XIoT devices is a cause for concern. Malicious actors leverage the lax cybersecurity measures in XIoT systems to establish lethal infiltrations. Let’s explore some of the creative ways in which these actors operate.

Common Techniques Used by Malicious Actors to Exploit XIoT Devices

Malicious actors are constantly seeking ways to penetrate XIoT devices. Once they gain access, they can use it in various ways that pose a significant threat to the XIoT device and the network it is connected to. In this section, let’s explore three common ways that malicious actors operate:

Using the XIoT Device as a Pivot to Gain Access to Higher Privileged Users and Networks:

When a malicious actor gains access to an XIoT device, they typically use it as a pivot to gain access to higher privileged users and networks. For instance, if an attacker gains access to a smart building’s HVAC system, they can use this access to enter more sensitive areas of the building, such as the server room. Malicious actors can also use XIoT devices to launch DDoS attacks. In these attacks, the attacker takes control of many XIoT devices and uses them to flood a target server or network with traffic, rendering it inaccessible. In some cases, attackers can even use XIoT devices to launch record-breaking DDoS attacks, as was the case with the Mirai botnet in 2016.

This technique is similar to that reported by Microsoft in 2019, where its researchers uncovered a malicious attempt to compromise popular IoT devices (a VOIP phone, an office printer, and a video decoder) across multiple customer locations, using the devices as an initial point of entry while searching the network for higher privileged networks they can compromise.

Data Theft from the XIoT Device:

Malicious actors can also steal data from XIoT devices once they gain access. For example, a hacker could steal patient confidential data from an MRI device connected to a network and use it to blackmail the person or sell it on the dark web. Another scenario is when an attacker hacks into a trading firm’s data management system through one of the IoT devices in the building to gain access to real-time data, which could be used to inform their investment decisions or give them an advantage in the stock market.

Asides from direct data theft, malicious actors can gain access to medical devices such as insulin pumps, pacemakers, and implantable defibrillators, and use this access to manipulate or disable the devices, potentially causing harm to the patient. Or in an industrial setting, they can infiltrate industrial control systems (ICS) such as SCADA systems, which control critical infrastructure such as power grids, water treatment plants, and transportation systems, causing significant physical damage or disruption.

Using the XIoT Device as a Medium to Persist Access to a Network:

Threat actors can also use XIoT devices to maintain persistent network access. Once a device is compromised, the attacker can install malware or backdoors to allow them to maintain access to the network even if the original entry point is closed. This can lead to a long-term breach that is difficult to detect and mitigate.

For instance, they can use steganography, which involves hiding malicious code within seemingly innocuous files, such as images or audio files, which can be uploaded to an XIoT device. The attacker can then use the hidden code to establish a persistent connection with the device, which can be used to launch further attacks on the network.

Another technique used to maintain persistent access is modifying the firmware or bootloader of the XIoT device. By doing this, attackers can create a backdoor that provides them with a hidden entry point to the network, which they can then use to access the network without being detected by security measures. This is a common tactic attackers use in advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks, where attackers maintain persistence in the network by using compromised XIoT devices as a safe space.

Common Techniques Used by Malicious Actors to Exploit XIoT Devices

Malicious actors are constantly seeking ways to penetrate XIoT devices. Once they gain access, they can use it in various ways that pose a significant threat to the XIoT device and the network it is connected to. In this section, let’s explore three common ways that malicious actors operate:

Using the XIoT Device as a Pivot to Gain Access to Higher Privileged Users and Networks:

When a malicious actor gains access to an XIoT device, they typically use it as a pivot to gain access to higher privileged users and networks. For instance, if an attacker gains access to a smart building’s HVAC system, they can use this access to enter more sensitive areas of the building, such as the server room. Malicious actors can also use XIoT devices to launch DDoS attacks. In these attacks, the attacker takes control of many XIoT devices and uses them to flood a target server or network with traffic, rendering it inaccessible. In some cases, attackers can even use XIoT devices to launch record-breaking DDoS attacks, as was the case with the Mirai botnet in 2016.

This technique is similar to that reported by Microsoft in 2019, where its researchers uncovered a malicious attempt to compromise popular IoT devices (a VOIP phone, an office printer, and a video decoder) across multiple customer locations, using the devices as an initial point of entry while searching the network for higher privileged networks they can compromise.

Data Theft from the XIoT Device:

Malicious actors can also steal data from XIoT devices once they gain access. For example, a hacker could steal patient confidential data from an MRI device connected to a network and use it to blackmail the person or sell it on the dark web. Another scenario is when an attacker hacks into a trading firm’s data management system through one of the IoT devices in the building to gain access to real-time data, which could be used to inform their investment decisions or give them an advantage in the stock market.

Asides from direct data theft, malicious actors can gain access to medical devices such as insulin pumps, pacemakers, and implantable defibrillators, and use this access to manipulate or disable the devices, potentially causing harm to the patient. Or in an industrial setting, they can infiltrate industrial control systems (ICS) such as SCADA systems, which control critical infrastructure such as power grids, water treatment plants, and transportation systems, causing significant physical damage or disruption.

Using the XIoT Device as a Medium to Persist Access to a Network:

Threat actors can also use XIoT devices to maintain persistent network access. Once a device is compromised, the attacker can install malware or backdoors to allow them to maintain access to the network even if the original entry point is closed. This can lead to a long-term breach that is difficult to detect and mitigate.

For instance, they can use steganography, which involves hiding malicious code within seemingly innocuous files, such as images or audio files, which can be uploaded to an XIoT device. The attacker can then use the hidden code to establish a persistent connection with the device, which can be used to launch further attacks on the network.

Another technique used to maintain persistent access is modifying the firmware or bootloader of the XIoT device. By doing this, attackers can create a backdoor that provides them with a hidden entry point to the network, which they can then use to access the network without being detected by security measures. This is a common tactic attackers use in advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks, where attackers maintain persistence in the network by using compromised XIoT devices as a safe space.

Endpoints Exploited by Hackers to Gain Access to XIoT Devices and Networks

To gain access to XIoT devices, hackers often exploit vulnerabilities in these devices and the networks they are connected to for malicious activities.Some endpoints that attackers exploit include weak authentication and authorization, unsecured data transfer and storage, legacy software security vulnerabilities, and lack of standardization.

Weak authentication and authorization refer to the use of default passwords or weak credentials to access XIoT devices. Many devices come with default passwords that are well-known and easily accessible to attackers, making it simple for them to gain access and take control of the device. In other cases, users may set weak passwords that have already been used on other devices or websites, and are either easy to guess or crack, or have been part of a massive credential leak providing an easy entry point for hackers.

Legacy firmware and lightweight real-time operating system security vulnerabilities are another endpoint that hackers exploit. Many XIoT devices run on outdated software that may have known vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. For example, a device running an outdated version of an operating system may be vulnerable to a buffer overflow attack, where an attacker sends more data to the device than it can handle, causing it to crash or allowing the attacker to execute arbitrary code.

Likewise, XIoT devices typically have limited resources, such as processing power, memory, and storage, due to their size and power constraints. This makes it difficult to embed complex security measures in these devices as they require more resources to function effectively.

Network restrictions are another common issue with implementing appropriate security measures in XIoT devices, which provides an opportunity for malicious actors. XIoT devices often need to communicate with other devices in the same network or the cloud, requiring them to adhere to specific communication protocols. Security measures such as encryption and authentication may not be compatible with these protocols, making integrating them into the devices challenging.

Unsecured data transfer and storage is an issue related to the limited resources in XIoT devices because of the inability to have complex security measures whereby the data stored and transferred through these devices are not properly secured and can be easily intercepted or accessed and causing data leakage.

Lack of standardization is also a common endpoint that hackers exploit. The lack of standardization in XIoT devices and protocols means there are often no established security standards or best practices to follow. This makes it easier for attackers to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in XIoT devices, as there is no uniform approach to security.

Endpoints Exploited by Hackers to Gain Access to XIoT Devices and Networks

To gain access to XIoT devices, hackers often exploit vulnerabilities in these devices and the networks they are connected to for malicious activities.

Some endpoints that attackers exploit include weak authentication and authorization, unsecured data transfer and storage, legacy software security vulnerabilities, and lack of standardization.

Weak authentication and authorization refer to the use of default passwords or weak credentials to access XIoT devices. Many devices come with default passwords that are well-known and easily accessible to attackers, making it simple for them to gain access and take control of the device. In other cases, users may set weak passwords that have already been used on other devices or websites, and are either easy to guess or crack, or have been part of a massive credential leak providing an easy entry point for hackers.

Legacy firmware and lightweight real-time operating system security vulnerabilities are another endpoint that hackers exploit. Many XIoT devices run on outdated software that may have known vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. For example, a device running an outdated version of an operating system may be vulnerable to a buffer overflow attack, where an attacker sends more data to the device than it can handle, causing it to crash or allowing the attacker to execute arbitrary code.

Likewise, XIoT devices typically have limited resources, such as processing power, memory, and storage, due to their size and power constraints. This makes it difficult to embed complex security measures in these devices as they require more resources to function effectively.

Network restrictions are another common issue with implementing appropriate security measures in XIoT devices, which provides an opportunity for malicious actors. XIoT devices often need to communicate with other devices in the same network or the cloud, requiring them to adhere to specific communication protocols. Security measures such as encryption and authentication may not be compatible with these protocols, making integrating them into the devices challenging.

Unsecured data transfer and storage is an issue related to the limited resources in XIoT devices because of the inability to have complex security measures whereby the data stored and transferred through these devices are not properly secured and can be easily intercepted or accessed and causing data leakage.

Lack of standardization is also a common endpoint that hackers exploit. The lack of standardization in XIoT devices and protocols means there are often no established security standards or best practices to follow. This makes it easier for attackers to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in XIoT devices, as there is no uniform approach to security.

Best Practices to Safeguard XIoT Devices

Safeguarding XIoT devices from hackers has been a battle continuously fought by defenders since the invention of IoT devices. The vulnerabilities being exploited were properly analyzed and some mitigation or remediation techniques were put in place including asset discovery, device hardening and changing default credentials, network segmentation, secure remote access, zero trust network access, network overlay, traffic restriction, user and device identity role policies, XioT threat detection and response techniques.

The following are some of the most recommended security best practices that can help in protecting XIoT devices against these known attack techniques:

  • Strong User Authentication and Authorization: One of the best ways to protect an XIoT system is to allow only properly authorized and authenticated entry into the system. This can be achieved by implementing strict security measures and starts by ensuring basis security controls by changing default account to enabling multifactor authentication and biometric authentication or using strong passwords that are regularly changed.
  • RTOS and Configuration Hardening: RTOS hardening is a process of securing the operating system on an XIoT device by minimizing its attack surface. This involves removing unnecessary software, services, and accounts, as well as applying security patches and configuring security settings. OS hardening can significantly improve the security of XIoT devices by reducing the number of potential attack vectors that hackers can exploit. By securing the operating system, XIoT devices can better withstand attacks and prevent unauthorized access, data theft, and network breaches.
  • Encryption and Secure Communication Protocols: Encryption and secure communication protocols such as HTTPS, SSL, or TLS can help prevent attackers from eavesdropping on the communication between IoT devices and the network. Disabling insecure protocols and ports such as Telnet and FTP, which can leave the system vulnerable to attacks, is also important.
  • Regularly Updating and Patching Devices: Regularly updating and patching XIoT devices can help address vulnerabilities and protect against cyberattacks. Ensuring that all devices are up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates is essential.
  • Network Segmentation: Segregating XIoT devices from other critical infrastructure can help limit the spread of attacks in the event of a breach. Network segmentation helps prevent unauthorized access to critical systems and can limit the damage a cyberattack can cause.
  • Monitoring for Suspicious Activity: Continuous monitoring of XIoT systems can help detect and respond to cyberattacks. It is essential to use tools that can analyze network traffic, log files, and system events to detect suspicious activity and alert security teams in real-time.

Get in touch with DTS Solutions to gain insight into how to better secure your organization’s IoT/XIoT devices from cyberattacks.

Best Practices to Safeguard XIoT Devices

Safeguarding XIoT devices from hackers has been a battle continuously fought by defenders since the invention of IoT devices. The vulnerabilities being exploited were properly analyzed and some mitigation or remediation techniques were put in place including asset discovery, device hardening and changing default credentials, network segmentation, secure remote access, zero trust network access, network overlay, traffic restriction, user and device identity role policies, XioT threat detection and response techniques.

The following are some of the most recommended security best practices that can help in protecting XIoT devices against these known attack techniques:

  • Strong User Authentication and Authorization: One of the best ways to protect an XIoT system is to allow only properly authorized and authenticated entry into the system. This can be achieved by implementing strict security measures and starts by ensuring basis security controls by changing default account to enabling multifactor authentication and biometric authentication or using strong passwords that are regularly changed.
  • RTOS and Configuration Hardening: RTOS hardening is a process of securing the operating system on an XIoT device by minimizing its attack surface. This involves removing unnecessary software, services, and accounts, as well as applying security patches and configuring security settings. OS hardening can significantly improve the security of XIoT devices by reducing the number of potential attack vectors that hackers can exploit. By securing the operating system, XIoT devices can better withstand attacks and prevent unauthorized access, data theft, and network breaches.
  • Encryption and Secure Communication Protocols: Encryption and secure communication protocols such as HTTPS, SSL, or TLS can help prevent attackers from eavesdropping on the communication between IoT devices and the network. Disabling insecure protocols and ports such as Telnet and FTP, which can leave the system vulnerable to attacks, is also important.
  • Regularly Updating and Patching Devices: Regularly updating and patching XIoT devices can help address vulnerabilities and protect against cyberattacks. Ensuring that all devices are up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates is essential.
  • Network Segmentation: Segregating XIoT devices from other critical infrastructure can help limit the spread of attacks in the event of a breach. Network segmentation helps prevent unauthorized access to critical systems and can limit the damage a cyberattack can cause.
  • Monitoring for Suspicious Activity: Continuous monitoring of XIoT systems can help detect and respond to cyberattacks. It is essential to use tools that can analyze network traffic, log files, and system events to detect suspicious activity and alert security teams in real-time.

Get in touch with DTS Solutions to gain insight into how to better secure your organization’s IoT/XIoT devices from cyberattacks.